Monday, November 1, 2010

Belize 2010 video

This is a wonderful video made by the one and only Sarah Foote, a member of the Belize team. It kinda sums up everything! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Our Foam mattresses going to storage till next year.

Going home finally!!!! Katie Kayci  Cyd Whit Shayna me alyssa

Sister Kay and hey kids. Natalie and Poody.

Sister Kay... the most amazing woman i met in Belize.

Goodbye we will miss you!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

almost gone...

Ali and his horse he let me ride.... might have been a risky ride if i do say so myself hints the next picture....

dang horse tried to run me off then went under a tree that cut my head. 

foam mattresses i WONT miss, mostly because after laying on it for 1 minute it had a butt impression

Hospital Gang... most awesome men we worked with.. plus good taste in food. They took us to Benny's for a thankyou lunch! (Ignasio, me, amanda, rambo, nicki, shayna, wilheim's brother, wilheim, dalheart.)

Wilheim and his brother

emergency surgery... not

Were actually helping with the construction of the new Dialysis Center

Oh ignasio

Beautiful and almost complete.

Dalheart and the Girls


He's gonna be a CEO one day... especially with the excel skills calv and i taught him.

loyal guard dogs

Bernard and camilla

These two make my day



Chimney... check

First clean empty bus i saw in belize... so we asked for a ride to the school in it.

Summer school presentation to the parents

Shakira... i love her!

The resort... our saving grace on a hot day

Church with Shahedia, natalie and fam.

Bernard singing!

Javier about to walk

Alma, Me, Linda,Mona, Juanita, Cristol, astedia, and dana.
