Sunday Church |
Love his Hair |
Notice Little Gaga in my hands picking her nose... |
Hey all... So this past week has flown by so quick i cant even believe it! Its already Monday and i haven't even written about my amazing last week and not to mention the unforgettable weekend. So ill just write a quick catch up post. Last week Sunday was my first time to attend church in a foreign country. The building was in a small house just large enough for a chapel, kitchen( somehow every Mormon church house has a kitchen), and a few class rooms. Although this was the English branch, the speakers spoke very quietly and their words were hard to understand. Despite the difficulties, the spirit was still strong in the sacrament meeting. It amazes me that no matter where you are in the world, the gospel will be taught exactly the same way. I felt so blessed to be amongst people so poor yet so rich ion blessings and love. Anyways after church i got my hair braided by a girl, Shahita, who is raising money for her boy friend to go on a mission! Getting my hair hut bad but it is awesome not having to do my hair when i leave the house! After that i went to a baptism of a 70 year old man and that was quite awesome. Really a blessing in disguise.Monday was a medical project day. We went to the village of georgeville to finish up testing peoples BP and blood glucose levels. Basically we do these two tests to determine if they are healthy. Knocking door to door has really opened my eyes as to how poor these people are living. Some houses are one room with a bed, a TV, and a stove. But its like they have never known any better so they are fine by it. I know i admire them for their gratitude. Tuesday we went to the hospital to continue construction and manual labor! The guys who work with us are kind enough to give us Spanish and kriole language lessons. They also taught us how to drive their stick shift piece of junk cars. Fun times. But really Ignacio, Johnny, Dalhart, and Rambo are great guys to put up with us girls and our attempt at building a building haha. Bless their hearts. Wednesday was a special day because we started a new project that will really help a school and a community. We built a square foot garden. This garden will be used to grow veggies and fruits for the school children lunches! The kids will also be responsible for replanting and watering the plants! We built a 7'x3' garden and another smaller plot. The ground had to be tilled, pick axed, broken up, mixed with mulch and finally planted with seedlings. We also had to dig a 26 yd. trench around the garden so the plants wouldn't be flooded and washed out! The amount of work we accomplished was astonishing. Luckily we had a some kids from a family in the neighborhood come and he lp us out! It was so fun they were working just as hard as we were! Totally awesome. As a reward we bought them all Ideals, popsicles resembling otter pops but MUCH better. They loved working with us as we loved them for helping us! Thursday was the medical project again but in the morning i was fortunate enough to go to Octavia Weight, a old folks home, and visit with several of the ladies and gentlemen. They are seriously so sweet and funny. I love sitting and listening to their stories. I am even more about a project i will be specifically helping with. We will be going to Octavia Weight and holding a physical therapy session with those that are able to attend! This will be a great opportunity to help the old with their pain and keep them mobile for as long as possible! Ill keep you updated! Well thats all for now!